A lunch break blogger, just writing to hear herself talk.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Photo Wednesday

An old one I had on my phone that I love #nofilter

A tattoo I was considering until D's wincing every time I brought it up spurred an actual conversation where he revealed he wasn't really that in to girls with neck tattoos. Fair.

Who are these classy hotties at Adam and Zeena's wedding?

Please look closely. To the left of this lovely couple is me. Double fisting wine from the open bar.
This must have been where the night took it's ugly turn.

Come baaaaaaack water. Don't evaporate away from meeeeeee.

I don't know why but this had me laughing so hard. 
So me and my pops are going to see how Lincoln ends on Thursday.

The view from our driveway... and it's so, so much better in person #WestTexasSunsets

Midland's finest moment... around 6:30PM every day

Here's my card... Kanye Danger, Professional Paper Shredder

And here are a bunch from mine and D's vacation to London and Paris this summer. I'm looking to pick a couple to get blown up and framed for a photo gallery thingy at our house. Can't pick which ones though.

Not this one. That'd be weird to stare at every day as wall art.

This looks completely fake (thanks Instagram) but it's just the view down in to the 
courtyard from the steeple of St. Paul's Cathedral. 
D took it because I wouldn't get that close to the balcony edge.

Westminster Abbey... right? All these beautiful buildings started to look alike. 
I'll have to check with D but I love this one.

Oh! I know this one! The Louvre!


Maybe my favorite. The Millennium Bridge with St. Paul's in the background
from the bench we were sitting at in front of Shakespeare's Globe Theater. <3

The view of St. Paul's Cathedral from the cafe we stopped at for afternoon tea (coffee)

The London Eye right before we boarded our capsule

Notre Dame gothic archways

And it's just been too long since I posted one of My Mel's blonde moments. 
This one doesn't make either of us look that great. 


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