My Mel. Ohhhhh My Mel. Just days after returning from our seven day cruise, little missy sends out a Facebook invite for a Garden/Slumber Party. And I'll admit it for all to hear, I thought, "I just can't. I am too tired." And I even told her, if it was a normal slumber party, full of yoga pants and wine, I'd be there in a heartbeat but I just couldn't theme it up. I was themed out. In my defense, we had a LOT of themes on the cruise. So I RSVP'd No.
But then, I took a bunch of naps, got back in to my routine of life, work got busy and I thought, you know what I need? A good girls weekend. I'll get a pretty dress and go drink mimosas with my ladies. That's exactly what I need. I flew down to Houston Friday. And boy howdy, am I glad I didn't miss this party.
It's not like I thought Mel was gonna half-ass it. I knew this party was going to be over-the-top. Especially when she informed me she bought a canopy bed off Craigslist for the sole purpose of putting in the yard for the party. And then the planning details kept coming. And then I ordered my dress off Craigslist and it arrived with the sweetest note from the seller informing me she wore this dress as a bridesmaid in her older sister's wedding and was glad it was being given a new life. And I just got really really excited for the party!!!
After the party, I sent the Etsy seller the picture above, thanking her for this killer vintage piece, promising to hunt down more occasions to wear it. She's going to send me pictures of her at her sister's wedding in it. Don'tcha just love Etsy?!
The icing on the cake was that Mel convinced her hubs to dress up and be our butler/photographer. He refilled drinks, brought us food, and waited on us hand and foot in the SWELTERING HOUSTON HEAT in a bow tie and cumber bun, no less. He was all bubbly and enthusiastic about it, too, even though he admitted each time he went in to the house, he unbuttoned his shirt and stood by the freezer! hahahaha In the picture above, it should be noted, he's showing the champagne to the preggers girl at the party.
Mel had every minute of the party planned with activities, games, crafts, ect. She even printed out agendas for us to review at the beginning of the party. Because we're classy ladies, one of the games was drawing an almost nakey stud muffin with his man bits covered by a baby cheetah! Yes. (Also, I'd like to mention, Andy judged the drawings after to choose a winner and he picked moi! Boom, baby!)
It was the perfect afternoon. Everyone had a blast, the weather cooled off just in time for us to enjoy the fact that Mel hauled a bunch of her girly furniture out on the lawn. We relaxed on the sofas and bed and chatted. We drank champagne and pink lemonade punch (and jello shots... but in a very classy way) and it was so, so perfect.
It was very much like what you imagine being a twenty something will be like when you're a little girl. You'll get dressed up with all your friends and eat cucumber sandwiches and drink and chat with your girlfriends. It was a childhood fantasy come to life and I'm so glad I got to share it with this lovely group of ladies.
But the reality of the fact that we're all kind of on the hot mess express was pretty evident all day. The jello shots didn't help. There was a whole lot of dresses up around our waists at the table, letting the breeze refresh us, a significant amount of swearing, less than lady-like competitiveness during the games and just an overall comfort with your besties that no amount of flower crowns and fine china could prevent. And who would want to?!
After the garden party, the slumber party commenced. Mel sent Andy to a friends for the night and we started up a hilarious game of Dare or Dare. Mel wrote all the dares herself yet still somehow seemed to kind of lose. I ended up with ice cubes in my bra and a couple unsavory texts sent to a friend! hahaha Sorry Shawn (as if Shawn reads my blog. As. If.)
For the record, that's a picture of Sandy's elbow crease! But it was hilariously tan!
The only other appropriate picture captured during the slumber party. Sandy trying to guess people by feel alone. She went straight for our most identifying assets.
Overall, a helluva party thrown by Mrs. Krenz. As always. Now to try to lose the hundred pounds I gained eating pizza and cupcakes before the next party (in T-minus 4 days). Cardio Cardio Cardio!
I LOVE this! The best party I have ever seen. I can not tell you how jealous I am. Plus you look GORGEOUS as always.