See what I mean? A little too intense for absentminded viewing.
So, instead of a list of my favorite REAL movies, I figured I'd give you a top ten list of my favorite movies that when I see them on TV, I will watch them EVERY TIME, even if there is only 45 minutes left, even if it's not in HD, even if I had plans to do the dishes (duh). Because I'm ALWAYS in the mood for these movies.
We in the killin' Nazi business. And cousin, business is a-boomin'
- Inglorious Basterds (obviously) - and definitely my most intellectual choice.
- Sex and the City - I kept this on my DVR for over a year (when I lived alone, clearly) and would watch it on the weekly.
- Elf - The ONLY holiday movie I'm happy to see on year round. Any other just stresses me out.
- Super Troopers - This is hands down the funniest 'stupid movie' EVER. And I'm taking in to account Anchorman AND Zoolander. This one still wins. I laugh OUT LOUD ever time. *sigh* Just love it so much.
I swear to God I'll pistol whip the next guy that says shenanigans! ...Hey Farva...
- Chicago - Hands down the BEST musical. I put it on when I'm cleaning the house thinking 'oh, I'll just listen to it." Impossible. I end up laying on my floor with my chin on my hands, swinging my feet like a small child. Captivating.
- Clueless - This movie taught me more than Freshman Art Appreciation. And yes, I am talking about the Monet reference.
- Beauty and the Beast - In my opinion, the BEST Disney sing-along movie.
- Easy A - Oh y'all. Easy A is my jam. Probably D's least favorite of my favorites but c'mon! Emma Stone is so, so lovable in this!
- The Magic Bullet informercial - if you watch it for 2 hours, it counts as a movie, right?
Not sure where they were going with this character but I'm not mad about it.
- The Client List - #noshame
What's on YOUR Sunday afternoon, painting your nails, got eight hours to burn, quote every line and sing every song movie list??
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