Check out this heartbreaker that was chilling next to me at a red light this weekend.
I think I find this extra adorable because of the classic car.
I think I find this extra adorable because of the classic car.
Friday High: Double date night at the Y with Cashley. We had an intense rematch of a girls vs boys game of half-court basketball that Ashley and I won junior year of college. I think the boys won this time. We always forget to keep score. Also, Ashley and I quit mid-game when we noticed the volleyballs on the other side of the gym and then after we got bored with that, we did some cartwheels and handstands while the boys tried to make half-court shots. Grown ups, Shmown ups.
Also, Friday, my supervisor retired. We had a little lunch for him.
We're going to throw him a big retirement party later... after he gets back from his cruise to the Panama Canal.
Can I retire yet?
Friday Low: The waitress at IHOP after basketball. I was all excited for a giant spinach and turkey bacon omelette for brinner but I had to wait 100 years for it. She was so bothered by the fact that D asked for the check to be split (even though everyone knows that at IHOP you split it at the register after dinner, gah, Darrrrrrryl) and when she came by to check on us, she was scratching her armpit. Like, hand stuffed down the front of her shirt, really getting after it. *shudder*
Katie. Hammit.
Every time I drive to Lubbock, I see these big tanks and think of you. Do you remember why?
Because that one time when we were driving to Lubbock you told me they reminded you of boobs. Ha ha ha ha ha
Saturday High: Getting to see my little Lori on our lightening trip to Lubbock. She's the best, and all of blog-land knows it, but I just love being around her. We didn't have a ton of success shopping, but ain't no big thing.
These are very average size swim trunks.
I was sending a pic to D to get approval before I bought them for him.
Lori looks like a CHILD holding them up for the picture. She's so damn tiny! Cracks me up.
Saturday Low: My diet suffering due to the deliciousness of Lubbock. I tried, I really did, and I didn't do TOO bad... but mexican food is my weakness. I skipped most carbs but smothered the bejeezus out of my grilled chicken with Queso Inferno for Ruby Tequila's. But I skipped the beans and rice and just got a heaping pile of grilled veggies? Does that make up for it?? I asked my scale this morning and it said no.
Sunday High: My prints from this Etsy Shop came in Saturday right before we left for Lubbock so on Sunday, I got them some frames from Michael's and painstakingly hung them in the dining corner (I'll post a pic tomorrow). It's such a beating to make sure they're level and evenly spaced but if they aren't... well that's just not an option. Also, Michael's happens to be right next TJ Maxx so I accidentally went there, too, and got a new swim suit and two new workout tops and D a tie. I've come to the realization that working out in T-shirts is fine and dandy, but workout shirts are better. I'm sure just bc they're more stretchy... but for $7 at TJ Maxx, I'm gradually making the switch,
Sunday Low: The headache that had me all grouchy-pants before bed. After shopping I HAD to do a once-over, cleaning the house. It was getting completely out of hand. I vacuumed, much to Kanye's chagrin, did (most of) the dishes, gathered up my clutter and shoved it in the guest room. And then I stared at Portlandia on the TV and didn't laugh once. That's when I knew the headache was ruining my night so I just went and laid in bed and wrote up this post. And then woke up to nightmares allllll niiiiiight looooong. *sigh* Happy Monday (grumblegrumblegrumble)
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