Reading - Game of Thrones. It's a full out addiction.
Planning - 8 months worth of construction? If you thought I was going to say 'my wedding', you couldn't be more wrong. I've been knees deep in construction prep for 2014 at work and as far as I've gotten with wedding planning is colors. Hint: I'm going to have to be careful it doesn't read 80's. No scrunchees will be involved.
Making me Mad - Seriously. I got the dadgum fruit to the bottom... but I fail because I didn't get enough points! MALARKY!
Making me Happy - Our new sofa! D and I decided, with as much time as we spend planted on our sofa, we could really use... a sofa. Not the loveseat I got in college. So we created our own out of pieces typically assembled in to a sectional at Sofa Mart and now we have a giant reclining bed sofa that is so comfortable, we have to not sit on it until dinner is made and chores are done... or else the couch wraps its warm, comfy arms around us and we can't get back up.
My favorite part is that the pups LOVE the recliners. They like to sleep between our legs and so they're pretty fond of the new sofa, too. Plenty of room for all!
Craving - These chocolate and salt covered almonds. Ohhhhhhhhhh my gosh so good. I just killed this bag today but I took this picture to send to D as proof that I do have self control. Sometimes, I eat like half the bag in one sitting at home and I make myself sick. But when I take them to work, I actually just grab a handful every now and then and they last a couple weeks. Proof.
Avoiding - Hanging art. I'm normally decisive person to a fault but for some reason, choosing and hanging art has been a real struggle for me! So I thought I'd try to sketch out some options... maybe my living room will look like this one day.
Creating - Progress? Is that a thing? Okay, so Sunday I had a meltdown. I had told myself, after quite a lot of traveling and excitement lately, on Sunday D and I were going to veg. And I was going to catch up on sleep. But by 7am, I was looking around the house at everything I had been neglecting for weeks and realized I really needed to do... EVERYTHING. And I just got really overwhelmed by life and melted down a little. So D got the brilliant idea to make a giant list (literally) of everything that I felt like needed done. And I mean EVERYTHING. And he would help. But since he had no idea the fact that the coffee table needed stained to match the other wood tones in the living room was stressing me out to the point of tears, he was helpless. So I just started rattling off everything I wanted to get done and he proclaimed that he is now the project manager of the house. And every night we will get something done that needs done before we sit on our really comfortable couch. So far, so good! He's strict but fair :)
Celebrating - Still celebrating our engagement! It's like every single day D says or does something that stops me in my tracks and has me thanking God that I get to spend the rest of my life with him.
I was so sad when I realized I was going to have to tear this sheet off my desk calendar! So I snapped a picture of the square to keep forever! :)
Like this: D sent me a picture of a partly eaten Minion birthday cake someone brought in for work. This conversation followed. I mean, c'mon! How lucky am I? He's so clever!
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