1. Daryl's BIRTHDAY is this weekend! He hates his birthday. I love it. I think, honestly, I love it because it forces him to make all the decisions for a weekend? #selfishmuch But I got him a gift I KNOW he's going to love (because he makes an Amazon.com wishlist every year for me), I booked us THE hotel in Lubbock for Friday and Saturday night and I think we have plans to day drink at our favorite bar on Saturday, possibly golf on Sunday... and that's about it. If we find ourselves bored, I may try sneak off and do this to my ear. My favorite piercer is in Lubbock so every time we go I get so tempted to perforate myself.
2. The yard is so sad (said like Gretchen from Mean Girls). We poured our blood, sweat, and skin cells (I'm referring to my blisters I got from pick-axing crab grass all day) and now we have.... a yard of dirt. We're going to get the seed down and mulch to cover the seed from the predatory birds... and then it's just watering but it definitely was a little deflating to work ourselves in to sunburns and ripped hands for a yard UGLIER than what we started with! D would argue that the yard looks better as a plot of dirt than covered in weeds but I find it mighty depressing.
My Ninja Turtle muscle tee was the only bright side to our yard work weekend
3. There was a hubub at work on Tuesday afternoon and by the time I got in on Wednesday, bippity boppity boom, my deadlines for a major project were moved forward by MONTHS, my two week training course I was supposed to leave for on Monday was un-approved and I was transformed in to a workaholic. I've already missed TWO lunchtime workouts. Seriously, the idea of having to workout in the AM infuriates me the most in this situation. Crunch time at work, a chance to show off and get all bossy up in here? That's kind of my jam. If only I could put a pause button on a construction project from 12-1pm so I could get my workout in. IF ONLY.
4. I have not had a manicure in seven weeks. I have not had my eyebrows waxed in MONTHS. And I'm not even going to estimate the pedicure timeline. Oh, and highlights. Ombre's still cool, right? We had planned to do engagement pictures a couple weeks ago but decided to put it off. And with that delay, came my justification to look completely ratchet for a month. It's getting a point of distracting me so I figure, as a very sweet girlfriend present to D, I'll go get the wax/nails thing done tonight so I am a little more presentable this weekend.
Oh the horror!
5. And lastly, I'd like to discuss my post-workout mile. I am not a runner but since I've gotten pretty deep in to Jamie Eason program, I'm feeling strong these days. I thought I'd give running another try because Jamie promised that cardio would be easier as I built up muscle. I'm proud to report that after a grueling 40 minute leg workout Monday, I hopped on the treadmill and cranked out a mile with my last 10 minutes of my lunch break WHILE chatting with the trainer who was sitting on the spin bike next to me making small talk. I mean, that would have never happened a couple months ago. :D I know I could have run further
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