My new entry table - $40. Craigslist. AND the guy delivered it. He said it's originally from Pier One but they didn't have a place for it anymore. MINE! (Like one of the seagulls on Finding Nemo)
Please ignore my dirty grout.
Naked Juices - I have been patiently waiting to unwrap the Hurom Juicer that's been under the tree for a week now... so in the meantime, I took to Naked Juice! I know it's obviously not a GREAT replacement for fresh, organic, homemade juice, but I mean, c'mon. I could be drinking Chick Fil A Milkshakes so in comparison, go me!
AND LOOK at that photography skill right there! I had to hold it just right and SO still to get that reflection off the juice.
Family - This holiday season was one for the books. SO hectic with work being crazy, The Nutcracker, prepping our new house for the party, battling a cold... you name it. AND THEN, a stomach bug infected my immediate family, so we had to skip our traditional Christmas morning! You would have thought I was 8 years old yesterday. I sobbed in the bathroom for over an hour. I wanted to risk getting a stomach bug and go have my mommy cook me breakfast and laugh at my dad's corny jokes and just be HOME! *sigh* Don't worry, we're having a makeup Christmas this Sunday, but I have officially vowed to spend more time with my family during non-holiday days because being away from them yesterday was miserable!
Our first family gathering at our house on Monday
(don't mind that 6' 5" kid on the left. He just really loves Santa)
(don't mind that 6' 5" kid on the left. He just really loves Santa)
The free Lumosity App - Just been flexing my brain muscles! My Brain Power Index (I'm sure that's a totally legit unit of measure) is 1206! I have no idea if that is good though, because D doesn't play it often enough to get a comparison. It's my new Candy Crush.
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