Hi there, family (because I'm sure most everyone else has given up on me entirely!) Merry Christmas Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve! Count em up, eight sleeps until the big day! Where have I been, you ask? Well, allow me to do a photo dump to catch you up a bit!
Let's start with Christmas, shall we?
I decided to hand sew Miss Peyton some felt play food for her play kitchen for her present. She has just started pretending so I thought she needed some. I made her a pizza, some eggs and bacon, donuts, cookies, a sandwich and a watermelon. I wanted to make her more nutritious foods but they're much more difficult to make out of felt.
Kanye is upset by the lack of presents under the tree (nothing to chew up or destroy!) This year, our family decided to draw names and only buy gifts for one person. It makes for a slightly depressing Christmas scene but it did make it possible for me to adopt SIX angels off the angel tree at work! I had so much fun buying bicycles and remote control cars and clothes for some kids in need and it helped me refocus this year on the reason for the season (don't worry, I got K a new dog bed, a bone shaped like a candy cane and a penguin toy, but don't tell him)
Also, in the excitement of throwing my first party (Christmas Eve Eve Party) for all of my family now that I have a house, I ripped all the wallpaper (and a little bit of the drywall, womp womp) down in the kitchen while D was out of town. When I realized what I'd gotten myself in to, I called a handyman to come give me a quote to fix the mess I'd made. $700!!!!!!!!! to texture the walls in my little breakfast area. I was like,
girl please, even though it was a dude. So after reading a couple This Old House tutorials, I got to work patching drywall. After this picture was taken, we got the oil-based primer
in our hair on the walls and are ready to texture but we don't want to be half way through that step with a house full of Christmas partiers so we're going to hang giant art in the kitchen to distract everyone from our unfinished reno and serve lots of wine!
In news unrelated to Christmas:
The Nutcracker has consumed our lives! We have rehearsals every. day. of. the. week. From 8 to 10pm And we had our first performance this weekend with a call time of 9am and a curtain call of 8pm! Oh yea... 11 hours of dancing waiting around to dance.
Stage makeup is a whole new world to me. This is the FIRST makeup wipey I used before washing my face.
Also, I built a tower. Well, I didn't build a tower... I had some people build a tower. It will hold radios high in the air so that the wells in town can communicate over trees and buildings and such. It was some very scary work but I'm happy to report the tower is still standing. It was a long day. I've never cursed so much in my life. Definitely not in front of my bosses and coworkers! I had to evacuate that building to the left because it was in the fall radius. Right behind me where I was taking this picture is a bank. When I went to the bank to introduce myself and explain the work I was doing and let them know they were
not in the fall radius, and answer any questions they had, the VP of the bank asked me if I was the engineer's assistant! I could not help but laugh when her face fell when I said that I was the engineer! I mean, I can't blame her. I was just explaining that I might drop a tower on her building (KIDDING, but the risks I mentioned were pretty serious). I sent this text to D right after my conversation with the bank VP:
Hahahahaha hilarious response, right? (To clue people in, Tom Brady wears Uggs, proudly. He loves them and has endorsed them) The sleeveless hoodie comment is a Bill Belichick reference.
Also, I did a juice cleanse! And I fell madly in love with it! It was the easiest cleanse I have ever done. 3 days of nothing but juice and water and I wasn't hungry ever. I felt so great I immediately begged "Santa" for a juicer for Christmas. It's under the tree and I can't wait to start juicing the bejesus out of everything in the fridge!

ALSO! We have a new addition arriving in late January! I wanted to do a whole Facebook puppy announcement similar to baby announcements but chickened out. I mostly didn't want anyone to misconstrue the message as I was pregnant and a puppy was breaking the news to Facebook (although I'm hiding it well for 8 months pregnant if that were the case). I also didn't want it to seem like I was making fun of people who announce pregnancies on Facebook. All in all, I just thought it might come across wrong so I am posting the picture here! Valentine is just 4 weeks old now so she's still with her family in Dallas but we put a deposit down and the breeder has been sending me pictures as she opens her eyes and does cute puppy things! I can't wait for Kanye to be a big brother!
I'm sure other exciting things have happened in the last month and a half but these are the highlights. Work has slowed down for the holidays so blogging on my lunch break will be easier for a while!