A lunch break blogger, just writing to hear herself talk.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

1, 2, 3, 4

1. I iz PMSing. And it's the first PMS of the year so I'm fat from the holidays AND PMSing. Which is a really, really depressing combination. And I feel like sharing that information with all of the internets because it's making me so negative and miserable to be around. If you catch me ish-talking or complaining or eating cookies for breakfast, now you know why. Forgive me and check back with me in a week (or two). Also, I overslept this morning, my hair looks like hell and my freshly washed and dried jeans put up SUCH a fight. I was doing the sumo wrestler where you kick one leg, then the other, then the other, then the other until they're all the way up. #shame #dyingmetabolism #endofmyyouth

Casey + Ashley = Cashley Aweee I just love 'em so much.

2. D and I are planning a romantic ski vacation on Valentine's weekend with our lovers, Cashley! Snowy mountain, cozy cabin with a crackling fireplace, bottle(s) of wine... can't wait to snuggle up with Ashley and enjoy it! :D So, our not so busy 2013Q1 is filling up nicely. D heads to Hotlanta this weekend for a very important and formal GoKickball league manager's meeting (kidyanot), February is full of visits from my Cydney-bear, the Houston Hess party, our ski trip & the rest of my weekends will involve bootcamp-style workouts preparing for our cruise in March.

3. Progress is being made on my water conservation stuff and I'm getting really excited about it! This project definitely comes in spurts, so sometimes I feel like I'm just doing a bunch of research on technology that would either be wildly out of our price range or is meant for some other application and I'm dreaming of some hybrid way of applying it to our plant. It gets a bit discouraging so when something promising comes up, it re-energizes me for the cause. That happened yesterday. Hooray! D and I had a very geeky conversation about it on our way to Cashley's last night to watch the game. He loves when we talk nerdy to each other.

I mean... not the HEALTHIEST but better than Burger King, right? Mmmm a Whopper sounds good right now

4. Overkill? Maybe. But I just love this thing. I mean, I like to write out my grocery list... there's something about writing lists that is soothing and empowering... but there's something about the comprehensive nature of this list generator that makes you feel READY for the grocery store. Like you aren't forgetting a single thing.


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