A lunch break blogger, just writing to hear herself talk.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Tug-o-war & Target

I have no blog material today. Nada to say. Sometimes I read other blogs thinking "how do these girls have something new and fun to say every single day?!"

My favorite blogger recently started a series where she is blogging for 30 days about "different, versatile ways to wearing a ruffled white shirt." THIRTY DAYS. That's a lot of days to re-wear the same shirt in the name of something to write about on your blog. I'm going to have to do something like that soon because my life is only exciting in spurts.

Because, luckily, things like THIS don't happen to everyone, every day. But, lucky for you on this day where I'm just watching my dog play tug-o-war with Bella and writing out a list of things to get at Target, L did something riotous. So go read her blog. And read it every day because she's so funny and lovable.

And for the sake of this post having a picture icon on mobile devices, here's a cute picture of my adorable snow pup. He LOVES the snow and the cold weather. He is under the misconception that he is a Husky.


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