A lunch break blogger, just writing to hear herself talk.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Wedding Planning Part I

So I'm a little torn on how much of my wedding planning I should blog! I think I'm going to do more blogging about the wedding after the fact, so my guests are a little surprised with the details I am pouring my heart in to (thank you baby Jesus for secret Pinterest boards!)

But I wanted to give a couple updates since it's what I'm spending SOME of my free time doing instead of blogging!

So I mentioned a while back that I chose colors so I figured that I'd share. I'm going with black, white and sparkly gold. Not like... yellow, but GOLD. I'm walking a delicate line of not looking too 80s (ex-nay on the polka dots) or too Great Gatsby (which wouldn't be the worst thing but it's been pretty popular lately so I'm trying to steer clear). I figure I won't regret this color palette in 10 years and it'll force me to keep my bohemian tastes in check. Don't want the wedding to look like a music festival if we can help it!

The wedding is going to be rather non-traditional. Daryl and I are old enough that we don't feel too much obligation to do things just because "that's what you do at weddings" and our families are easy going enough to be cool with that. Also, we're going to do our darnedest not to break the bank. We want our guests to have a ball, so that's where our money will be spent. Luckily, D and I have been pretty aligned on must haves (booze) and meh, no thanks... like cake. Spoiler alert: we don't plan on having a cake or a cake cutting. It's never been our favorite part of the wedding, not to mention neither of us LOVE cake. So we're going to skip it and rather have dessert(s) we DO love, already portioned out so that there's isn't any hoopla around when you're allowed to eat it. More time for dancing!

We haven't been aligned on everything and on those occasions, I try to defer to his preference. He doesn't have an opinion about everything, so the things that are important to him mean more.

And lastly... we've picked a venue and a date! Those can't stay secret but since the Save the Dates won't go out until June, I figured I'd let my faithful blog followers in on the deets.

We're going to be having the wedding at a local tropical greenhouse and cafe:

The view from the door of the cafe. It may look cramped but I promise if I did a panorama (which I'm kicking myself for NOT thinking to do), it wouldn't look so "are you only inviting 18 people?"

And we're pulled the trigger on December 6th, 2014! Our trip to Germany/Belgium/Switzerland in late September forced our hand a little... and D put his foot down about it not being during regular football season (this should fall between regular season and bowl season well enough) and I wasn't keen on putting it off until 2015. So, December 6th it is!

And really... that's about as far as we've gotten. I have a dress shopping date set and engagement pictures scheduled. And of course the spreadsheets have begun!

And that's really about as far as we've gotten so far. This weekend my mom is throwing us an engagement party with the family and D's mom is coming down for it. I'm excited for our first real event! I plan to wear as much white as I can justify! :D


  1. yay! That venue is beautiful! And music festival is always ok!!

  2. I am soooo excited that you chose that venue!!!!!! It is going to be awesome esp after you put your little 'Arica twists' on the place. Why do we have to wait all the way to December????



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