A lunch break blogger, just writing to hear herself talk.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Watching: Bowl Games! Soaking up every last bit of football I can get, obviously! And I'm just going to say it: I am damn knowledgeable about football! I impress myself on a regular basis. I can spot most fouls before the flag is thrown (except holding because they all look like they're holding, all the time!) I mostly know the names of the different positions. I can recognize blitz formation. I know quite a few players, and not just the hot ones. I mean, D's got a keeper!

D's guac has been a food group at our house. The perfect football watching food.

Reading: Still Game of Thrones. It's getting very juicy. But since that's no new news, I read this really inspiring article and totally recommend it.

Planning: Our trip to go pick up Valentine!!! Our breeder sent us a couple pics last week and I had to contain myself from SCREAMING at work I was so overwhelmed by how cute she is. She's clearly perfect in every way and I cannot wait to bring her home and love her forever.

Making me mad: My nightmares. They've gotten really bad again lately. D slept in the guest room last Thursday night. I really think there is a connection between working out and my nightmares. I think the endorphin rush messes with me. Do you think I could get a doctor's note excusing me from being physically fit?

Making me happy: The new 'do! Now... I'll be honest... when I told her I wanted "caramel highlights", I was not expecting them to turn out so... orangey? and when I say it like that, it sounds horrifying. I guess they look pretty natural. Basically, I wanted a big change but the girl didn't want to dump bleach on my virgin hair. We compromised and I plan to layer on the highlights throughout the late winter and spring.  Now then... who has some good deep conditioning treatments they want to share with the class? :)

Craving: New clothes. I'm sure it's just the beginning of the year high that's got me wanting to make tons of changes but I've got a hankerin' for a shopping spree. Luckily, I'm a total cheapskate. It's something bred in to all engineers, I'm convinced. So... TJ Maxx, you better watch out. I'm about to make it rain tens of dollars up in here.

Avoiding: Pinterest! As much as I will proclaim my undying love for that website, I am in New Years Res mode and feel like accomplishing something! Pinterest actually consumes a TON of my time. When I put the iPad down at night, I get bored really quickly. So I made a list of all the Pin projects I'd been planning to do and then deleted the app off my phone and iPad. It's been a tough habit to break! But it's working! I'm spending way less time on the couch.

Creating: A beautiful kitchen and breakfast area. :D Cannot wait to show you guys the before and afters when we finish her up!

Celebrating: A fresh start! Christmas decorations are down. Healthy groceries in the fridge. I've been to the gym three times. I'm pickin' up what you're puttin' down, 2014.


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