A lunch break blogger, just writing to hear herself talk.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Thursday Ramblings

Anyone else washing their hands for the full 20 seconds these days in honor of Kidd? I also almost cried when I broke a chip in the queso the other day. I did see this cartoon the other day and for some reason it basically cured me of my mourning Kidd. The idea of him being Heaven's morning show DJ... it just made me so overwhelmingly happy!

Speaking of washing hands, why do people, before trying to only use one paper towel, go ahead and tear off two?! Try it, people. Just TRY only using one paper towel. It's PLENTY when drying your hands after going potty.

I can barely contain my excitement about the news of Ellen hosting the Oscars! I think Ellen ranks first on my "If I could have dinner with any living person on the planet" list. Tavi Gevinson is in my top three. No shame.

I have GOT to get back to clean eating. Now. Starting RIGHT. MEOW. I can do this I can do this I can do this. (while editing this draft, I ate a mini Twix. CURSES! UGH! I'm so weak)

Missed a huge chunk of hair when curling this morning. Right above my right ear. Big ole chunk o' straight. Woopsie. Not fooling anyone with my "beachy waves" today.

I have found it. The perfect bra. It keeps everything where I like it all day. No shoving your hand down your shirt and adjusting (hawt mental image right there) Clearance at Dillards - $9.99 or something like that. It's a-mah-zing. It's "Cabernet" brand? I think that's like Dillard's brand... whatever. I need 6 more.

NOLA. Sept 30-Oct 1. SPE Annual Technical Conference. Be there. I'll be there. We'll throw a nerd party. BYOC (Calculator)

The Puppy Brother version of the AT&T "It's Not Complicated" Commercial. OMG. I die. That little girl's mind blown nod cracks me up:

Someone is spying on me. With a phone planted in my office somewhere. I keep hearing a "buzz buzz" exactly like an iPhone when it gets a text message. But it's not my iPhone. I checked the obvious places: taped under the desk, under my desk chair, under my guest chairs... you know... where people typically hide things in thrillers. No dice. I'm losing my mind.

I want to clean and organize things. ALL THE THINGS! I think it's all the back to school talk? And all these organizer things out and about? Like last night, I bought a 1" binder at Target just because it was pretty (navy with gold foil polka dots? I mean... c'mon. I had to) and I have no use for it... but I want to have a use for it! I ALMOST envy teachers. I love watching them pin classroom organization stuff on Pinterest and I'm like, I wanna be a teeeeeeeeacher and then I remember, no... wait... wait a second... I do not like to be around children I am not related to. Now I remember. So I would like to organize/simplify/decorate our office, instead.
Love this wall color... just not sure I can convince D to paint a room we are rarely in

I mean... it's really the furry chair and random wall twig that makes me love this image so much. 

Love the androgyny of this one... but with a less lame lamp, I think.

Ohhhh Lucite organization... you make my heart sing.


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