A lunch break blogger, just writing to hear herself talk.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Happy Monday

Guess who's writing blogs on her lunch break this fine Monday afternoon? Moi. Because Sunbutty (hehehehe you'll get that in a second) ruined my lunchtime workout.

We went to Lubbock this weekend to visit D's mom and didn't get back to town until around 2pm on Sunday. We had a birthday party at 6pm so I made a quick run to the grocery store but didn't have time to do much prep cooking. After the 4 year old's birthday party I was wiped out (shocking, I know) so I curled up on the couch to decompress for a bit.

I didn't get to prep cooking until like 9pm. I got ground bison at the store and cooked it up with some taco seasoning, I boiled eggs, cooked bacon, washed fruits and veggies, and tupperware'd it all up.

D also made up some guac that's seriously to die for so I think tacos are in order this week.

I went to bed quite happy with my progress and feeling ready to conquer the week, all healthy and stuff. But I hadn't taken the time to pre-pack a lunch for the next day. In the morning, I threw the leftover stir-fry from Friday night in my lunch box and an apple for a pre-workout snack. Because no way could I work out during my lunch break without a snack first. I'd be so angry and dramatic. I'd probably cause a self-induced fainting spell from faux starvation on the elliptical if I did not snack at 11am. 

But can I get an amen that apples are not that good on their own? I do not like them, Sam I Am. So I grabbed one of the jars of Sunbutter from the pantry because I buy it every time I go to the store so I have reserves. Like... a lot of reserves. If the world ends, I do not want to be without Sunbutter. Having a jar at work seemed like a good idea. Alas, there was no room in my lunch box. So I tossed it in my gym bag for the ease of carrying my gym bag, purse and Kanye's crate out of the house all at once. 

You can guess what happened next. The gym bag got tossed in to the floorboard of my car for an hour, carried in to my office and thrown under my desk for a few more hours and when 11am came around, I uncinch the top to grab my Sunbutter and got a delicious aroma coming from my gym bag. Which is never good. Delicious is not how you should describe the smell of your gym bag.

I had the lid to this thing screwed on as tight as it would go... but Sunbutter is like 99% oil, so it can pass through the pores of the plastic, I think. That's my best guess.

Exhibit A: My makeup bag, covered in oily, sunflowery goodness

Aaaaaaaaaand exhibit B. All my gym clothes and bag covered in sunflower seed butter.

And that, my friends, is how you get out of a Monday workout guilt free! I think next Monday I'll throw a bottle of conditioner in there or maybe a Nalgene bottle full of water... you know... something that without fail ALWAYS seems to leak? I could get used to starting my week off with a lazy lunch day.

Hopefully everyone is turning lemons in to lemonade this Monday! :D


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