A lunch break blogger, just writing to hear herself talk.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Weekend Update

Holy macaroni. This weekend was so full and fun, you're SO lucky I'm doing the Weekend Update High-Low thing. Otherwise this would be a novel of a post.

Friday High: D and I hunkered down for the night and painted our faces off in the master bedroom. All we lack is the last coat on two walls. We just can't seem to get the motivation together to do it. Sooooo close. (Also, Spurs won! :) Part of the reason we quit with so little left to do. There was basketball to watch!)

Friday Low: We hired a maid! That doesn't sound like much of a low, I know, but the whole experience of actually hiring her was suuuuuper awkward. She doesn't speak English so she brought her 14 year old grandson with her to interpret and then she was kind of rude! Which was really awkward because then her poor, sweet grandson was having to interpret her rudeness. Like... maybe it was just her way of playing hardball on the price, but it came off as kind of judge-y and mean. Luckily, D stepped up and did the price negotiating with her and the "okay, great, sounds like we're all set, have a great weekend" thing to get them to leave. The good news is, she was cool with the price D and I had in mind. So... I've officially gone from BEING a maid (one of my many college jobs) to HAVING a maid and I feel so grown up!

Saturday High: K was little mister prince charming at my company picnic. So friendly. So calm. It was like, oh yea, I take him to picnics all the time. He's a picnic pro! And omg, the joy I got out of telling people he was only 7 months old. They thought he was an old man he was so chill! He let little girls tote him around, he laid under my chair chewing on his rawhide while I played (and won!) bingo. Proud mama, right here.

Saturday Low: D and I were bad and ordered pizza for dinner. Did you know Domino's has a gluten-free pizza crust?! Not too shabby, really. Although the cheese and pepperoni on top were probably not too healthy. Also, throughout the course of this weekend, I had a milkshake and Chick Fil A, waffle fries and all. I've got to get it together. Cannot let this Whole30 progress slip away!

Sunday High: Mother's Day Brunch! It was my mama and daddy, sissy, her hubs & babe and my Aunt Sharon. I made a bunch of food I'd never made before and it all came out completely edible. Quite tasty, if I may say so myself! I'd make a few tweaks on them but overall, delish. And it was totally paleo with some un-paleo topping options (greek yogurt and cheddar cheese) and not even the boys complained about eating health food. Tied closely with celebrating the fabulous women in my life that helped raise me was the fact that OUR FENCE IS FINISHED! K has free reign of his doggy door again and I don't have to get dressed at 6am to take him for a morning walk anymore! Hallelujah!!!!!!

Oh, and I made flower crowns for the mamas... but we all had to admit, they were so cute on Peyt.

Top Left, clockwise: Stuffed Avacados (no allergic reaction, boom), fruit skewers I made to look like roses #nerd, apple crisp with walnut crust (no sugar, so delish), and homemade breakfast sausages!

My Mother's Day present from K (aka my Aunt Sharon)... It's a coffee mug with his little paw prints! He has furry feet so it came out kind of adorably wonky. And it says "My hand fits in yours just right" and on the other side is a picture of K and I. OMG, how cute is this?!

Ohhhhh glorious fence. How I love thee. 

Sunday Low: The sad state the house was in when I came to bed. Specifically, the stack of dishes I refuse to wash until I absolutely have to (tonight), sitting in my sink. The house was so clean for the maid/brunch and now it looks like a tornado came through. D and I both went shopping yesterday (separately) and came home and basically turned the bags upside down in the middle of the living room floor. You would not know that I hosted a lovely brunch in our house 10 hours earlier. MUST clean tonight though, because the maid is coming tomorrow.

Doesn't it look like he's kind of judging me for spending my afternoon drinking leftover MOMomsa from brunch and watching Harry Potter on ABC Family? Like... shouldn't you be doing the dishes?


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