My inspiration elephant. Probbbbably pretty expensive.
Doesn't he just make you happy?? Kind of looks like he's smiling.
My affordable stippled version of an elephant
Okay, no. It's not equally as adorable as the mysterious, expensive one but it makes me happy.
Friday Low: Being a super lame girlfriend Friday night. D had tons of energy after he came home and worked out and I was like, mmmm no. I took a shower (I was gross from getting DENNIS'd at the gym earlier that day), put on pj shorts and a tshirt and curled up on the couch with no intention of ever leaving. D kept pitching activity ideas and I just sunk lower and lower until I was under a blanket, completely horizontal, with one eye closed. He played Call of Duty. Poor D.
Saturday High: Noah, Casey and Ashley's nephew. He was crackin' me up! He was staying with Cashley this weekend as an early birthday present and he was a hoot. At one point, we're all in the truck after dinner and someone asked him if he'd like to get dessert from Sonic and he gasps and says, "Sonic is my JAM!" Be prepared for me to start saying everything is 'my jam' for a while. Because I'm totally stealing that.
Saturday Low: Saturday was pretty perfect. I accidentally ate an Oreo Blast from Sonic... every bit of it. At 10pm. It was delicious but then my stomach hurt... which I think is great! Hopefully my cutting back on sugar is working! So... not really a low. I'm reaching on that one.
Sunday High: D bailing on Hot Yoga with me! I had the brilliant idea to go to a Hot Yoga class Sunday afternoon and D jumped on board. I was so excited... for like 5 minutes. Then I started regretting it and wanting to bail. So most of Saturday and Sunday were spent coming up with reasons why we shouldn't go. Finally, with the sun shining and his new grill he bought needing assembled, he agreed to bail with me! Hallelujah!
Sunday Low: Kanye acting like a little jerk while I was trying to watch the Oscars. He was possessed by a demon and would not stop BARKING. In the house. Like he was raised in a barn. But then if I put him outside, he'd bark out there and I didn't want to be that neighbor with the annoying dog on Oscar Sunday! At one point, out of pure frustration, I shoved him in the backyard where D was assembling his new grill and yelled "THE OSCARS ARE ONLY ONE NIGHT A YEAR, KANYE!" and slammed the door so hard. After that, D made sure to keep him mostly quiet and out of arms reach from me. Also, did I mention I'm cutting sugar? I'm pretty unbearable these days.
This week holds lots of eating healthy and exercise. The cruise is asd;lfkasdjf 19 days away and I'm still 9 lb from my goal weight. Doable... but must get focused. I bought a bunch of healthy food and I plan to eat it. And stay away from the sugar (except the little I put in my coffee because otherwise, I may be a hazard to my coworkers. If I only lose 8 lb but I'm pleasant in the mornings, I'm cool with that).
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